Life insurance is not just an option but is necessary to ensure the financial security and peace of mind of your loved ones...
In 2024, more Americans than ever before will reach age 65. This demographic milestone has been called “Peak 65.” If you are in this group, what does Peak 65 mean for your IRA?
Imagine paying 15½ cents for a gallon of gasoline! The only time gasoline prices were anywhere near this low was in the 1930s. But the average wage for a “common laborer” in 1931 was 41.2¢ per hour. Read on to find out how long people have had to work to buy a gallon of gas through the years…
Many things in life are beyond our control, such as the cost of gas or groceries or when the repair guy will show up to fix the furnace. While it can be frustrating when we can’t control situations or people, it is best to focus on the things within our control...
Jill M. Hannah has retired as the Managing Director of The Hancock Group, Inc., and we wanted to take a moment to pay tribute to this remarkable lady...
May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month, a time when the insurance industry comes together to do something about the enormous gap that exists between...
Thinking about retirement and fixed-income living can be overwhelming. Here are some things to consider when planning your retirement...
The year 2020 was unprecedented for so many reasons—all because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many suffered from job losses, had to juggle childcare while...
Congress has passed the massive "Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act," or "CARES Act," and it was signed into law by the President...